Interning at an Innovation and Strategy Firm

Interning at an Innovation and Strategy Firm

Southern Growth Studio exposes its interns to every facet of what it does. I learned the importance of ethnography and research design–which have a shared foundation of empathy–and its application in the real world. I learned how to distill these findings into an industry assessment, and how to think critically to divine a solution to the client’s need. I learned a lot of other things like this, things that don’t transfer interestingly into description.

Storytelling, the Brain & Work Culture

Storytelling, the Brain & Work Culture

Humans within a work culture are motivated by stories. Look at the famous founding myths of HP and Apple in the garages, of Fred Smith and FedEx, and many others. When new salespeople are hired, smart companies allow them to shadow the veterans until they know the War Stories by heart—another example of how stories define a culture and become its primary ambassador and sales vehicle.